
“Pupils are proud to attend this vibrant and inclusive school”
Our test and assessment results have continuously remained high for the past 15 years and many of our pupils are now achieving well above expected levels compared to similar schools across the country. Our most recent data from our end of Key Stage 2 assessments highlights the significant progress that our pupils make, with scores well above the national average in Reading, Writing, Maths, Spelling & Grammar.
We have a recognised INCLUSION policy which means that we continue to provide excellent educational opportunities for pupils with a range of needs including our provision for twelve pupils within the Communication Support Base who come to our school from across the local authority to access this oversubscribed specialist facility.
Our Foundation Unit has been identified by the Local Authority (LA) as a leading provision for early year’s education and our early year’s staff have provided examples of good practice to schools within the LA and beyond. Since September 2005, our school has been a training provider as part of a consortium of early year’s providers for trainee teachers (The North Tyneside SCITT).
We have achieved the Health Schools Award, Gold Smoke Free Award, Activemark GOLD, Artsmark GOLD, Investors in People Status, NAPTA award for good practice in developing support staff and the Basic Skills Award. All these achievements recognise the excellent work taking place with sports, the arts, and health education, working with parents and developing staff in raising the achievements of all our pupils. We have achieved the Inclusion Quality Mark 3 times.
Our staff provide a very good range of clubs and extra-curricular activities for our children and we are actively making links with the local community.
Attendance and punctuality of pupils has improved steadily and now our attendance figures are in line with the national average.
We also provide French teaching in every class and aim to further develop International Links.